Bar Soap Can Remove Period Stains: Trick I've Been Using Since Middle School lol (Newsletter No. 32)

Yes you can use laundry detergent, yes you can use stain remover, but if you don’t have any on hand…
I still have flashbacks of rubbing a nub of cheap hotel soap on the crotch of my cargo pants lol

1. Take a bar of soap (the worse for your skin, the better), wet it a little, and rub it in circular motions on the stain.

2. Rub the stained fabric against itself

3. Pull the fabric taut and run COLD water on the stain, so that the fabric is perpendicular to the running water, letting the water push the stain out

4. Repeat steps 1-3 until the stain is (hopefully) gone.

I’ve seen a lot of DIYs for period stains but for some reason almost never saw bar soap mentioned. So I thought I’d add this method to the ether. When I first tried it I was so impressed because usually that cheap soap is good for nothing.

Next time I’ll write a tutorial for handwashing clothes in general.

Kristy Lin