I don't laugh until milk comes out of my nose anymore (Newsletter No. 67)

Neither do I do spit takes nor laugh till I pee in my pants (that, I don’t mind)

Most of my laughing these days is to either acknowledge that I understand someone is making a joke, to imply a friendly nature, to fill in dead air, or to signal that something said was extremely witty even if it did not cause me to laugh involuntarily.

1. Humor needs an element of surprise. This abounds in childhood when so many more things are still a novelty. Everything is unexpected.
2. Adulthood encourages seriousness, death and taxes and such.
3. Our contemporary society is extremely focused on appearing virtuous. Thus, large swathes of humor are labeled as offensive or potentially offensive, the worst offense. People have lost their sense of humor, but are extremely sarcastic.

The internet says that “masking” is a sign of autism, but if everyone is masking, then who is human anymore?

Maybe something like honesty, noticing things, and hanging out with children

Kristy Lin