Is New York City Over? I Promise This Isn't a Think Piece (Newsletter No. 42)

Summer in the City is nice, but isn’t summer nice anywhere?

At one point, “only in New York.” Is that still true? Let’s debate…

Agree or Disagree?


Food—it no longer seems to offer anything particularly unique, often lacks soul

Fashion—took itself a bit too seriously, can also be found elsewhere, often lacks soul

Rent—too damn high

Broadway—come to think of it, mainstream media overall seems to be losing the plot, with their well-intentioned self-important meta-moralistic messages crammed into storylines, or bells and whistles special effects with no substance. Often lacks soul.

Garbage—it’s not romantic

Subways—they’re not romantic

Nature—minimal, can be found elsewhere

Empire State Building— there are better  buildings


Port city?


It seems like the last holding of value is whether or not NYSE ever moves, or if the stock market ever loses credibility completely (hello, crypto). Or so “they” tell me. Speaking of which, you can buy a piece of virtual NYC on Upland via Womplay (referral link), maybe prospects are better in the ether!

So…how do we make real-life NYC better? I think for far too long it has been coasting on its tenured brand name when its talent has been stagnant and leaking for a while now. Let’s pump some organic unrefined sugar back into this apple!


🎶 Piece of the Day 🎶

Today I choose to highlight the Boo Ghost Charm. Do the prospects of a dead NYC scare you, or will it always be your boo?

Additional more lighthearted announcement—I’m hosting a Summer Giveaway on my Instagram and TikTok!

Instagram: I’m giving away one of my Lemon Wheel Pendants. It’s cast from a real lemon. It’s titled a necklace but I love how you can wear it or hang it in your home. It’s the perfect statement piece to wear to gallery openings, on your farm, or as a forever piece of sunshine for your room even when the sun don’t shine. I’m also including a personalized engraving of your choice (it would be along the rind of the lemon). Simply enter here.

TikTok: I’m giving away a pair of my 5mm Ear Earrings, which seem to need no introduction. Enter here!

Thanks for reading :)


~Bonus Summer in the City song~

Kristy Lin